#----------------------------- 1- Arithmetic Operator -------------------------------
num = int(input("Enter the 1st number : "))
num2 = int(input("Enter the 2nd number : "))
# + Additon operator
add = num + num2 # returns the sum of the given numbers
print("The sum is ",add)
# - Subtraction operator
diff = num - num2 # returns the difference of the given numbers
print("The difference is ",diff)
# * Multiplication operator
mul = num * num2 # returns the product of the given numbers
print("The product is ",mul)
# / Division operator
div = num / num2 # returns the division of the given numbers
print("The division value is ",div)
# % Modulus operator
rem = num % num2 # returns the remainder of the given numbers
print("The remainder is ",rem)
# ** Exponentiation operator
exp = num ** num2 # returns the a power b (a^b) of the given numbers
print("The exponent value is ",exp)
# // Floor division operator
flr = num // num2 # rounds the quotient to whole number of the given numbers
print("The floor value is ",flr)
#---------------------------- 2- Assignment Operator -------------------------------
num = 7
# = Assign
num = 5 # assigns 5 to num even when assigned before
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after assigning is : ",num)
num =17
# += Add and Assign
num += 12 # which is equal to num = num + 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after adding is : ",num)
num =34
# -= subract and Assign
num -= 4 # which is equal to num = num - 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after subracting is : ",num)
num =21
# *= Multiply and Assign
num *= 5 # which is equal to num = num * 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after multiply is : ",num)
num =6
# /= Divide and Assign
num /= 7 # which is equal to num = num / 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after division is : ",num)
num =17
# %= Modulus and Assign
num %= 4 # which is equal to num = num % 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after modulus is : ",num)
num =13
# //= floor and Assign
num //= 9 # which is equal to num = num // 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after floor is : ",num)
num =2
# **= Exponent and Assign
num **= 5 # which is equal to num = num ** 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after exponent is : ",num)
num =7
# &= bitwise AND and Assign
num &= 8 # which is equal to num = num & 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after bitwise AND is : ",num)
num =8
# |= bitwise OR and Assign
num |= 2 # which is equal to num = num | 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after bitwise OR is : ",num)
num =5
# ^= bitwise XOR and Assign
num ^= 6 # which is equal to num = num ^ 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after bitwise XOR is : ",num)
num =7
# >>= shift Right and Assign
num >>= 9 # which is equal to num = num >> 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after right shift is : ",num)
num =9
# <<= shift Left and Assign
num <<= 9 # which is equal to num = num << 8
print("\nThe value of ",num ,"after left shift is : ",num)