Basic Python Programs – 2

#----------------------------- 1 - finding factorial using function ------------------

# factorial of given number
def factorial(number):
	if number < 0:
		print("Factorial cannot be negative.")
	elif number == 0 or number == 1:
		return 1
		fact = 1
		while(number > 1):
			fact *= number
			number -= 1
		return fact

# Getting the inputs from the user
num = int(input("Enter the number to find the factorial : "))
print("Factorial of",num,"is",factorial(num))

#----------------------------- 2 - finding factorial using recursive function --------

def factorial(num):

	if (num==1 or num==0):
		return 1
		return num* factorial(num - 1 )  # calling the function n times

# getting and passing the input to function
number = int(input("Enter the number : "))
print ("Factorial of",number,"is",factorial(number))

#----------------------------- 3 - finding simple interest using function --------

# getting principal amount, time and rate of interest from user.

def simpleInterest(princ,year,rate):
	S_I = (princ * year * rate)/100  # calculating simple interest
	print('The Simple Interest is', S_I)
# getting principal amount, time and rate of interest from user.

PA = int(input("Enter the principal amount :"))
Time = int(input("Enter the time period :"))
Rate = int(input("Enter the rate of interest :"))
#----------------------------- 4 - finding compound interest using function --------

# getting principal amount, time and rate of interest from user.

def compoundInterest(principle, rate, year):

	# Calculates compound interest
	total = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), year))
	C_I = total - principle
	print("Compound interest is", C_I)

#Taking amount, rate of interest, no. of years  input from user.
principle = int(input("Enter the principal amount: "))
rate = float(input("Enter rate of interest: "))
time = int(input("Enter time in years: " ))
#Function Call
#----------------------------- 5 - finding compound interest without function --------

principle = int(input("Enter the principal amount: ")) # principal amount 
year= int(input("Enter time in years: " ))	 # time 
rate = float(input("Enter rate of interest: ")) # rate 
# calculates the compound interest
a=principle*(1+(rate/100))**year # formula for calculating amount 
CI=a-principle # compound interest = amount - principal amount
# printing compound interest value
#----------------------------- 6 - finding a number is amstrong or not ---------------

num = int(input("Enter the number : ")) #  getting input from user
ams = num # assigning input value to the s variable
b = len(str(num))
sum1 = 0
# checking amstrong
while num != 0:
	rem = num % 10
	sum1 = sum1+(rem ** b)
	num = num//10
if ams == sum1:
	print("The given number", ams, "is armstrong number")
	print("The given number", ams, "is not armstrong number")

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