Basic Python Programs – 3

#----------------------------- 1 - Rotaing an array using function & while loop -------------

def reverse(start, stop, array):  # reversing funtion

	# No of iterations needed for reversing the list
	rev_Count = stop-start+1

	# By incrementing count value swapping of first and last elements is done.
	count = 0
	while((rev_Count)//2 != count):
		array[start+count], array[stop-count] = array[stop-count], array[start+count]
		count += 1
	return array

def left_Rot(array, size, div):

	# Reverse the Entire List
	start = 0
	stop = size-1
	array = reverse(start, stop, array)

	# Divide array into twosub-array
	# Divide First sub-array
    # Reverse the First sub-array
	start = 0
	stop = size-div-1
	array = reverse(start, stop, array)

	# Divide Second sub-array
	start = size-div
	stop = size-1
	array = reverse(start, stop, array)
	return array

array = []
ele = int(input("Enter the no. of elements : "))  # total no. of elements in the list length of list
# getting inputs from user
for i in range(ele):
	x = int(input("Enter the number : "))

size = len(array)
div = int(input("No. of elements to rotate : ")) # no. of elements to be rotated from start point, if div == size then array is same
print('Original array:', array)

if(div <= size):
	print('Rotated array: ', left_Rot(array, size, div))
	div = div % size
	print('Rotated array: ', left_Rot(array, size, div))

#----------------------------- 2 - Rotaing an array using function ---------------------------

array = [] # nitializing an empty array
ele = int(input("Enter the no. of elements : "))  # total no. of elements in the list length of list
# getting inputs from user
for i in range(ele):
	x = int(input("Enter the number : "))
# slicing approach to rotate the array
def arr_rot(array,div,num):
    return array
div = int(input("No. of elements to rotate : ")) # no. of elements to be rotated from start point, if div == size then array is same

print("Rotated list is",end="") 
#----------------------------- 3 - Checking a list is Monotonic -----------------------------

def isMonotonic(list):  # Monotonic -- either all the values are in increasing or in decreasing order
	first, second = [], []
	if(first == list or second == list):
		print("Yes!. The list is Monotonic")

		print("No! The list is not Monotonic")
	return ""

values = []
ele = int(input("Enter the no. of elements : "))  # total no. of elements in the list length of list
# getting inputs from user
for i in range(ele):
	nums = int(input("Enter the number : "))

#------------------------------ 3 - Finding the remainder for list --------------------------

# multiplies all element in the list and divides with divisor

import math   # pip install math

def Remainder(arr, num):
	# Calculating the sum of logarithms 
	# of array elements and storing them
	# in the variable below
	LogSum = 0
	for i in arr:
		LogSum += math.log10(i)
	# Take exponential of the sum and return remainder
	remainder = int(pow(10, LogSum)) % num
	return remainder

values = []
ele = int(input("Enter the no. of elements : "))  # total no. of elements in the list length of list
# getting inputs from user
divisor = int(input("\nEnter the divisor : "))
for i in range(ele):
	nums = int(input("Enter the number : "))
remains = Remainder(values, divisor)
print("The remainder of the list is ",remains)

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