Class and Object in Python

#----------------------------- 1 - creating a Class ---------------------------------

# syntax : class class_name:

class news: # class property
    sent ="Today no special news"
#----------------------------- 2 - creating a Object for class------------------------

# syntax: object_name.class_name() , to invoke the class 

class news: # class property
    sent ="Today no special news"  # property

obj = news()  # object  
print(obj.sent)# accessing the property of  the class 
#----------------------------- 3 -  __init__() function in a class--------------------

class blog:
  def __init__(self, name, year): # __init__() s an built in function 
    #__init__() function is used  to assign values to object properties
    # when __init__() 
is created, the class is called when new object is created = name
    self.year = year

post = blog("Python", 2023) # assigning class to variable post

#----------------------------- 4 -  __str__() function in a class--------------------

class blog:
    def __init__(self, name, year, duration): # __init__() s an built in function 
        #__init__() function is used  to assign values to object properties = name
        self.year = year
        self.duration =duration
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.year} - {self.duration}" 

post = blog("Python", 2023,'1 month') # assigning class to variable post

print(post)  # automatically invoke the class 

#----------------------------- 5 -  calling function/method in a class----------------

# syntax: object_name.function_name() , to invoke the function 

class blog:
    def __init__(self, name, year, duration): # __init__() s an built in function 
        #__init__() function is used  to assign values to object properties = name
        self.year = year
        self.duration =duration
    def course(self):  # defining a function
        print("We provide easy way of learning for",," in ",self.duration) 

post = blog("Python", 2023,'1 month.') # assigning class to variable post

post.course()  # function is  called from the class 

#----------------------------- 6 -  Updating  values in a class --------------------

class blog:
    def __init__(self, name, year, duration): # __init__() s an built in function 
        #__init__() function is used  to assign values to object properties = name
        self.year = year
        self.duration =duration
    def course(self):
        print("We provide easy way of learning for",," in ",self.duration) 

post = blog("HTML", 2023,'1 month.') # assigning class to variable post
post.year = 2022
post.duration='15 days'

post.course()  # function is  invoked from the class 

#----------------------------- 7 -  deleting values in a class --------------------

class blog:
    def __init__(self, name, year, duration): # __init__() s an built in function 
        #__init__() function is used  to assign values to object properties = name
        self.year = year
        self.duration =duration
    def __str__(self):
        return f"{} - {self.year} - {self.duration}" 

post = blog("Python", 2023,'1 month') # assigning class to variable post

print(post)  # automatically invoke the class 

# to delete an element in a class 'del' keyword is used
# Syntax : del object_name.function_name() / del object_name.variable()

del post.duration # will delete duration  attribute from the class

print(post)  # will return a error because duration has been deleted so it can't be displayed

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