Dictionary in Python

#----------------------------- 1- Creating a Dictionary ------------------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}
#----------------------------- 2- Modifying a Dictionary -----------------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

company["age"] = 26  # updating age to 26

#----------------------------- 3- Adding and Dleting Dictionary ----------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

#adding key-value pair
company["city"] = "Madurai"

# Deleting a key-value pair
del company["grade"] #deleting the key- value pair with key = "grade"
#----------------------------- 4- Iterating through Dictionary -----------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

# Iterating through keys
for key in company:

# Iterating through values
for value in company.values():

# Iterating through key-value pairs
print("\nKey Value\n")
for key, value in company.items():
    print(key, value)
#----------------------------- 5- Checking existing key in Dictionary ----------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

# Checking if a key exists
if "name" in company:
    print("Name Key is present in the dictionary")

#---------------------------- 6- Sorting Keys the Dictionary -------------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

# Sorting a dictionary by keys
sortK = dict(sorted(company.items()))

#--------------------------- 7- Concatination of Dictionary --------------------------

# Creating a dictionary
company  = {"name": "WebGapp", "age": 15, "grade": "A"}

# Merging two dictionaries
dict1 = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
dict2 = {"b": 3, "c": 4}
merged = {**dict1, **dict2, **company}
#-------------------------- 8- Nested Dictionary -------------------------------------

 # Creating a nested dictionary
webgapp = {
    "make": "WebGapp",
    "Design": "HTML",
    "year": 2018,
    "Expert": {
        "special": "Web development",
        "course": "Python"

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