Functions in Python

#----------------------------- 1 - creating a function ----------------------------

def myFunction():  
  print("Learn Pyhton from us..")

# Calling a function
#----------------------------- 2 - passing arguments in function --------------------

# passing arguments. (Arguments - the values passed inside the paramaeters)
sum =0
def total(n1,n3):
    sum= n1+ n3
    print("Total : ",sum)
num =int(input("Enter the 1st number :"))
num2 = int(input("Enter the 2nd number :"))

total([8,97,23],[12,89,77])   # two list are considered as two arguments
total(5,6,8)  # Results in error, because can only pass 2 arguments 
#----------------------------- 3 - passing *n tuple arguments in function ------------

def total(*nums):  #  * - is used when number of parameters is not known
    sum= nums[2]+nums[3]
    print("Total : ",sum)

#----------------------------- 4 - passing **n dictionary arguments in function ------

def send(**value):    # syntax : def function_name(**name):
  print("The value is  " + value["value"])

send(key = "webgapp", value = "Python")
send(key = "webgapp", value = "HTML")
#----------------------------- 5 - passing keyword arguments in function ----------

def course(course3, course2, course1):  # need to specify only the keys
  print("The easiest course is " , course1)
  print("The shortest course is ",course3)
  print("Web development course  is ", course2)

course(course1 = "Python", course2 = "Django", course3 = "HTML")
#----------------------------- 6 - passing list of arguments in function ----------

def course(name):
  for i in name:

value = ["Python", "Django", "HTML","CSS"]

#----------------------------- 7 - return a value in function ----------------------

def many(val):
  return 5 * val  # retuns a value

print(many(3))   # returns 5 * 3
print(many("hi")) # returns hi for 5 times
print(many(9.9))  # returns 5 * 9.9
#----------------------------- 8 - recursion in function -----------------------------

def web(n):
  if(n > 0):
    ans = n + web(n -1)  
    ans = 0
  return ans

print("\n\nRecursion Example anss")
tim = int(input("Enter the number : "))
#----------------------------- 9 - finding square number in function -----------------

def square( list ):    
    squares = [ ]    
    for j in list:    
        squares.append( j**2 )    
    return squares    
# calling the defined function    
items = [6,7, 2, 8,21]    
number = square( items )    
print( "Squares of the list are: ", number ) 
#----------------------------- 10 - pass by values in function -------------------

def myFun(value):
    print("Value received id :", id(value))
# User's key code
key = 12
print("Value passed id    : ", id(key))

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