List methods in Python

#----------------------------- 1-  min & max in list------------------------------

list = [1, 2, 3]

minimum = min(list)
print("Minimum : ",minimum)  # Output: 1

maximum = max(list)
print("Maximum : ",maximum)  # Output: 3
#----------------------------- 2-  length in list------------------------------

list = ["web", "G", "app", "python"]
# Finding length
length = len(list)
print("Length : ",length)  # Output: 3
#----------------------------- 3-  clear in list------------------------------

list = ["Python ", "Intern", "@", "Madurai"]
# Clearing list
print("Final list :",list)  # Output: []
#----------------------------- 4-  copy in list------------------------------

list =  ["Python ", "Intern", "@", "Madurai"]
new = list.copy() # moving  list values to new list
print("Duplicate : ",new)  
#----------------------------- 5-  reverse in list------------------------------

list = ["Python ", "Intern", "@", "Madurai"]
# reversing the list 
print("Reversed list : ",list)  
#----------------------------- 6-  sort in list------------------------------

list = ["Python ", "Intern", "@", "Madurai"]
#sorting the list in ascending order
print("Sorted list",list)  
#----------------------------- 7-  pop in list------------------------------

list = [1, 2, 3, 9, 4]
# popping elements 
num = int(input("Enter the index value to pop : "))
element = list.pop(num)
print("Popped @ index ",num," element : ",element)  
#----------------------------- 8-  remove in list------------------------------

list = ["Python ", "Intern", "@", "Madurai"]
# removing unwanted element
print("After removing : ",list)  
#----------------------------- 9-  insert in list------------------------------

list = [1, 2, 3, 89]
# inserting elements to list
list.insert(1, 49)  # syntax : insert(index , value)
print(list)  # Output: [1, 4, 2, 3]
#----------------------------- 10-  slice in list------------------------------

list = ["W", "e", "b", "G", "a", "p", "p", "p"]
# slicing the list
subset = list[1:4]
print("Sliced list : ",subset)  

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