Numbers Pattern Programs Using Python

# Pattern for N no.of rows and cols, incrementing by 1 for every column (6,7,8,9.....)

num=int(input("Enter the Number of rws and columns : "))

for i in range(num): # iterates num times
    k+=i      # incrementing k value with respect to i
for r in range(num):   # iterates for num times
    for col in range(r+1):   
        print(num,end=" ")  #print the value of num with respect to r 
        num+=1       # incrementing num by 1 for every iteration

# A simple Heart Symbol Program

for i in range(6):
    for j in range(7):
        if (i==0 and j%3!=0) or (i==1 and j%3 == 0 ) or (i-j==2) or(i+j==8):
            print("* ",end="")
            print(end="  ")
# Right bottom  sided right angle traingle 
#increment number one by one in a row (1, 1 2, 1 2 3, 1 2 3 4,....)

n=int(input(" Enter the Number of rows and columns : "))
for r in range(n):
    for c in range(n-r-1):
        print(" ",end=" ")
    for c in range(r+1):
       print(c+1,end=" ")
# pyramid pattern , numbers in diagonal lines 

n=int(input("Enter the Number of rows and columns: "))
for r in range(n):
    for c in range(n-r-1):
        print(" ",end=" ")
    for c in range(r,-1,-1):
       print(c+1,end="  ")
# Bottom Right right angle traingle 
# one number in a row (1,2 2, 3 3 3, 4 4 4 4,...)

n=int(input("NUMBER : "))
for r in range(n):
    for c in range(n-r-1):
        print(" ",end=" ")
    for c in range(r,-1,-1):
       print(r+1,end=" ")
# Top left sided right angle traingle
# decrementing columns one by one (1 2 3 4 5 , 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3, 1 2, 1)

n=int(input("Enter the number of rows and columns : "))
for r in range(n):
    for c in range(r,n):
       print(c+1,end=" ")
# printing square number of rows and columns (5 x 5) of alphabets  from given range

n=int(input("Enter the ASCII value (grater than 64) to start  : "))  #(chr(65) = A)
for i in range(5):
    for j in range(5):
# Right angle Triangle numbering rom let to right 

num = int(input("Enter the range : ")) #getting input from user
initial = 1
final = 2
current = final
for i in range(2, num): # ranges from 2 to num - 1 
    for j in range(initial, final):  # ranges from inital and final, value of initial and final will be changed
        current -= 1
        print(current, end=' ')
    initial = final  # 1st  final value is 1st value
    final += i  # incrementing final with repect to i 
    current = final  # final is assigned to current value after incrementing 

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