Playing with Numbers in Python – 2

#---------------------------- Check whether a number is square number ------------------------

print("Check Square number")
n =int(input("Enter the number:"))

sqr= n**(0.5)  # n** (1/2)

if(sqr== round(sqr)):
    print(n,"is square number")
    print("Not square number")
#----------------------------  find the square of a number -----------------------------------

num = int(input("Enter a number : "))
sqr = num *num
print("The Square value of ",num,"is",sqr)
#----------------------------  find the square of a number (method 2) ------------------------

num = int(input("Enter a number : "))
sqr = num **2
print("The Square value of ",num,"is",sqr)
#----------------------------  find the square of a number (math module) ---------------------

import math   # pip install math 
num =int(input("Enter th enum: "))
sqr = int(math.pow(num,2))  # math.pow(number,power)
print("The square value of ",num,"is",sqr)
#----------------------------  find the square of all odd number in range---------------------

n = int(input("Enter no.of elements : "))
start = int(input("Enter the start "))
for i in range(start,start+n):
    if i%2 !=0:
        sqr= i **2
        print("The square value of",i,"is",sqr)
#----------------------------  find the square of all evennumber in range---------------------

n = int(input("Enter no.of elements : "))
start = int(input("Enter the start "))
for i in range(start,start+n):
    if i%2 ==0:
        sqr= i **2
        print("The square value of",i,"is",sqr)

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