#----------------------------- 1- Upper & Lower conversion --------------------------
# Converting a string to uppercase and lowercase
string = "Hello, World!"
upper = string.upper() # converts all string to lowercase
lower = string.lower() # converts all string to uppercase
print("Upper :",upper)
print("Lower : ",lower)
#----------------------------- 2- Stripping in String------------------------------
# Removing leading and trailing whitespace from a string
string = " Python Programming in Webgapp "
strip = string.strip() # Removes the unwanted white spacses in a string
#----------------------------- 3- Splitting in String ------------------------------
# Splitting a string into a list of words
web = "Learn , Python , from WebGapp"
split = web.split("a") # Removes all 'a' and splits as before and after 'a'
print(split) # ['Le', 'rn , Python , from WebG', 'pp']
#----------------------------- 4- Joining in String ------------------------------
# Joining a list of strings into one
web = ["Hello", "Programs","- by","WebGapp"]
join = " ".join(web) # Joins all word in the list with " "
#----------------------------- 5- Replacing in String ------------------------------
# Replacing text in a string
web = "Python is Easy!"
replace = web.replace("Easy", "awesome") # Easy is replaced by awesome
#----------------------------- 6- Finding in String ------------------------------
# Finding the first occurrence of a substring
web = "Python is easy, Python is fun!"
index = web.find("easy") # returns the index of first occurrance of the text
#----------------------------- 7- Counting in String ------------------------------
# Counting the occurrences of a substring
web = "Python is easy, Python is fun!, Python is is is so good"
count = web.count("is") # counts the number of times the string is repeated
#----------------------------- 8- Startwith & Endwith in String ----------------------
# Checking if a string starts or ends with a specified substring
web = "Hello, World! Welcome"
starts = web.startswith("Webgapp") # True if string starts with the given string is same
ends = web.endswith("Welcome") # True if string ends with the given string is same
print(starts) # Fals
print(ends) # True
#----------------------------- 9- isalpha, isdigit, isalphanum in String -------------
# Checking if a string consists of digits, alphabetic characters, or alphanumeric characters
number = "12345"
string = "abc"
alphanum = "abc123"
numeric = number.isdigit() # True if string is a number
alpha = string.isalpha() # True if string is alphabets
alphanumeric = alphanum.isalnum() # True if string contains both number and alphabets
#----------------------------- 10- Capitalize & Title in string ----------------------
# Capitalizing the first letter of a string and converting to title case
web = "python programming is fun with WebGapp"
capitalized = web.capitalize() # makes the first letter upper case in a string
title = web.title() # makes every first letter after white spaces as uppercase
#----------------------------- 11- SwapCase in String ------------------------------
# Swapping the case of characters in a string
web = "PyThOn Is FuN"
swapped = web.swapcase() # converts all upeer to lower and lower to upper case