Symbols Patterns Programs Using Python

#------------------------------ Left Arrow head ------------------------------------

x=int(input("enter the number: ")) # get the numbers of row from user 
for i in range(x): # range from 0 to n-1 
    print("  "*(x-i-1)+"*"*(i+1)) # prints "*" for i+1 times ," " for x-i-1 times
for i in range(x-1): # range from 0 to n-2
    print("  "*(i+1)+"*"*(x-i-1))  # prints " " for i+1 times ,"*" for x-i-1 times

#------------------------------ Left Triangle ------------------------------------

x=int(input("enter the number: ")) # Getting  numbers of row from user
for i in range(x):# range from 0 to n-1 
    print("  "*(x-i-1)+"* "*(i+1)) # prints "* " for i+1 times ," " for x-i-1 times
for i in range(x-1):
    print("  "*(i+1)+"* "*(x-i-1)) # prints "* " for i+1 times ," " for x-i-1 times

#------------------------------ Bottom hollow Triangle -------------------------------

a=int(input("enter the Number: "))
for i in range(a):
    print("  "*i+'* ',end=" ") # prints " " for i times along with "*"  

    if i!=a-1 or i==5:
        print("  "*(2*a-2*i-3)+"*",end=" ")#prints " "for 2a-2i-3 times along with "*" 


#---------------------------------- Hollow Rhombus -----------------------------------

a=int(input("enter the number: "))
for i in range(a):
    print('  '*(a-i-1)+'* ',end=" ") # prints " " for a-i-1 times along with "*" 

    if i >=1:
        print('  '*(2*i-1)+"*",end=' ')  # prints " " for 2i-1 times along with "*"


for i in range(a):
    print("  "*i+'* ',end=" ") # prints " " for i times along with "*" 

    if i!=a-1:
       print("  "*(2*a-2*i-3)+"*",end=" ") #prints " "for 2a-2i-2 times along with "*" 

#------------------------------ Top hollow Triangle -------------------------------

a=int(input("enter the number: "))
for i in range(a):
    print('  '*(a-i-1)+'* ',end=" ") # prints " " for a-i-1 times along with "*" 
    if i >=1:
        print('  '*(2*i-1)+"*",end=' ')# prints " " for 2i-1 times along with "*"
#------------------------------ Rigth Triangle -------------------------------------

a=int(input("enter the number: "))
for i in range(a):
    print(" *"*(i+1)) # prints " *" for i+1 times 

for i in range(a-1):
    print(" *" * (a-i-1)) # prints " *" for a-i-1 times 
#------------------------- Square rows and columns ---------------------------------- 

x=int(input("enter the number:"))
for i in range(x):
    print("# "*x)   # prints "# " for x times
#------------------------ Descending order of characters ----------------------------

n=int(input("Enter the number: "))
for i in range(n):
    print(chr(64+n-i),end=' ') # prints the character value at 64+n-i 
    for j in range(i+1):
        print(''*(n-i-1),end=' ') # prints " " for n-i-1 times

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