Tuples in Python

#----------------------------- 1- Creating a Tuple -------------------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")
#----------------------------- 2- Packing & Unpackinga Tuple -----------------------

# Packing values into a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

# Unpacking a tuple into variables
name , language , type = company
#----------------------------- 3- Adding two Tuples ----------------------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

comapny2 = ("TCS", "Java", "Internship")

# Combining two tuples
tup = company + comapny2
#----------------------------- 4- Iterating through Tuple --------------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

# Iterating through a tuple using a for loop
for web in company:
#----------------------------- 5- Immutable in Tuple ----------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

# Attempting to modify a tuple ( Cannot modify tuples )
company[1] = "Java"  # TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
#---------------------------- 6- Slicing the Tuple -------------------------

# Slicing a tuple to get a sublist
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

numbers = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
tuple = numbers[1:4] 
tuple2 = company[0:2]
#--------------------------- 7- Checking elements in Tuple --------------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

# Checking if an element exists in a tuple
if 'Python' in company:
    print("Python is in the tuple")
#-------------------------- 8- Simple built in functions in Tuple ------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship","Python")

# Finding the length of a tuple
length = len(company)  # 3
print("length :" ,length)

# Counting occurrences of an element in a tuple
count = company.count("Intership")  # 1
print("Count: ",count)

# Finding the index of an element in a tuple
index = company.index("Python")  # 2
#--------------------------- 9- Acessing Tuple ---------------------------------------

# Creating a tuple
company  = ( "WebGapp", "Python", "Internship")

# Accessing tuple elements by index\

index = company[0]

#--------------------------- 10- Nested Tuple ---------------------------------------

# Creating a nested tuple
company = ("Webgapp", "Python", ("Week", "month"), ("Basic Knowledge", "Project"))

# Accessing elements of the nested tuple
name = company[0]
course = company[1]
duration = company[2][1]
outcome = company[3][1]

# Displaying the information
print("Name:", name)
print("Courses :", course)
print("Course Duration :", duration)
print("Course outcome : ", outcome)

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